Teach Me Help Me Educational Services' First On-Site Workshops Are Taking Place at Irvine Valley College during July/August 2007

Teach Me Help Me Educational Services' first on-site workshop series, Critical Reading for Proficiency 1, 2, and 3, as well as the "SAT" English Worship Series. 

The "SAT" English Workshop Series prepares students who wish to score high on the official SAT English Section. The workshop will cover in depth the critical reading section, where students learn about and practice sentence completion and passage-based reading exercises. The workshop will also cover in depth the writing section, where students will learn about the essay, identifying sentence errors and improving sentences and paragraphs.

The Critical Reading for Proficiency Series teaches all the higher-level critical thinking and reading skills required from students on high stakes achievement tests. Students will learn to draw conclusions, form judgements, distinguish facts from opinions, and make predictions from reading material.

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